In this precept we perform experiments similar to the paper "Experiments on Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization" by J.R. Rice in Math. Comp. (1966). Consider the following excerpt from the text:
Task 1: Implement an economy QR factorization by classical Gram-Schmidt and modified Gram-Schmidt in the functions below. (may want to check your notes and/or the Trefethen book)
Test your code on several examples (provided below in code)
We will test for the stability of both methods by looking at two error metrics (both are implemented for you below):
where $\|\cdot\|_F$ is the Frobenius norm, which is equal to the square root of the sum of squares of the entries of the given matrix $ \|A\|_F = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^m |a_{i,j}|^2} $. Note that, in exact arithmetic, if $A\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ with $A = QR$ and $Q\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$ has orthonormal columns:
$$ Q Q^TA = QQ^T (QR) = Q (Q^TQ) R = QI_{n,n}R = QR = A $$where $I_{n,n}$ is the $n \times n$ identity matrix.
import numpy as np
def classical_gram_schmidt(A):
# Implement this function
return Q,R
def modified_gram_schmidt(A):
# Implement this function
return Q, R
# These are done for you.
def error1(Q):
n = Q.shape[1]
err = np.max(np.abs(Q.T @ Q - np.eye(n)))
return err
def error2(Q,A):
err = np.linalg.norm(Q @Q.T@A - A, 'fro')
return err / np.linalg.norm(A, 'fro')
## Test 1:
# Test with a random matrix
m,n = 300,200
# Computes an economy SVD
A = np.random.randn(m,n)
print('condition number of A: ' + "{:1.1e}".format(np.linalg.cond(A)) )
Qc, Rc = classical_gram_schmidt(A)
Qm, Rm = modified_gram_schmidt(A)
print('classical G-S error: ', error1(Qc))
print('modified G-S error: ', error1(Qm))
print('classical G-S error: ', error2(Qc,A))
print('modified G-S error: ', error2(Qm,A))
## Test 2: Ill conditioned
# Generate a Matrix with condition number 10^6
m,n = 300,200
# Computes an economy SVD
U, _,Vt = np.linalg.svd(np.random.randn(m,n), full_matrices = False)
# Set eigenvalues
S = np.diag(10**(np.linspace(0,6,n)))
A = U@S@Vt
print('conditioner number of A: ' + "{:1.1e}".format(np.linalg.cond(A)) )
Qc, Rc = classical_gram_schmidt(A)
Qm, Rm = modified_gram_schmidt(A)
print('classical G-S error: ', error1(Qc))
print('modified G-S error: ', error1(Qm))
print('classical G-S error: ', error2(Qc,A))
print('modified G-S error: ', error2(Qm,A))
# Test 3: Artificial example from the paper (Warning: result should be very bad!)
A = np.eye(n,n)
v = (3/4)**(np.arange(n))
A[:,3:] = A[:,2:n-1]
A[:,2] = v
print('conditioner number of A: ' + "{:1.1e}".format(np.linalg.cond(A)) )
Qc, Rc = classical_gram_schmidt(A)
Qm, Rm = modified_gram_schmidt(A)
print('classical G-S error: ', error1(Qc))
print('modified G-S error: ', error1(Qm))
print('classical G-S error: ', error2(Qc,A))
print('modified G-S error: ', error2(Qm,A))
If you are running out of time, use the function as it is implemented for you two cells down. What do you observe compared to Gram-Schmidt?
# Time permitting
# Implement QR by Householder
def householder_triangularization(A):
_,n = A.shape
R = np.copy(A) # Store temporary vectors into Q.
V = [] # Store v's into this list (or some other structure if you like)
# Implement Housholder here
return V, R
def apply_Q_to_vector(V, x):
# Computes b = Q @ x, where Q is defined implicitely by the Householder reflectors in V
return b
def form_Q_matrix(V):
m = V[0].size
I = np.eye(m)
Q = np.zeros((m,m))
for k in range(m):
Q[:,k] = apply_Q_to_vector(V,I[:,k])
return Q
A = np.eye(n,n)
v = (3/4)**(np.arange(n))
A[:,3:] = A[:,2:n-1]
A[:,2] = v
V, R = householder_triangularization(A)
Qh = form_Q_matrix(V)
print('condition number of A: ' + "{:1.1e}".format(np.linalg.cond(A)) )
print('Householder error: ', error1(Qh))
print('Householder error: ', error2(Qh,A))
print('error: ', np.linalg.norm(Qh@R - A)/ np.linalg.norm(A))
# If you don't have time to implement, just call the code
#Make sure the file is in the same folder as this notebook (recept4.ipynb)
from householder import *
V, R = householder_triangularization(A)
Qh = form_Q_matrix(V)
A = np.eye(n,n)
v = (3/4)**(np.arange(n))
A[:,3:] = A[:,2:n-1]
A[:,2] = v
print('condition number of A: ' + "{:1.1e}".format(np.linalg.cond(A)) )
print('Householder error: ', error1(Qh))
print('Householder error: ', error2(Qh,A))
print('|QR - A| error: ', np.linalg.norm(Qh@R - A)/ np.linalg.norm(A))