MAT 321 - Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing - Spring 2023

Instructor: Marc Aurèle Gilles

AI: Qinxin Yan

Course Description:

I like David Bindel's description of his numerical analysis class: "Scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and computer scientists use models to describe everything from the ringing of bells to the evolution of animal populations to the relationships between web pages. We turn to computers to help us analyze all but the simplest such models; but how can an inherently discrete device such as a computer solve continuous problems quickly and reliably? This is the fundamental question we address in (...)" MAT321.

More concretely, we cover the fundamental algorithms of computational mathematics: matrix decompositions, eigenvalue iterations, iterative linear algebra, optimization, interpolation, numerical quadrature, and more. We analyze the stability and accuracy of these algorithms and explore their applications to image processing, data science, and the numerical solution of differential equations. Along the way, we cover the majority of the top 10 algorithms of the 20th century.

In lectures, we cover the derivation and theory of algorithms, often illustrated by numerical experiments. The precepts are mostly reserved for programming-focused tasks. In problem sets, we discuss applications and derive and implement other interesting algorithms. This year, by popular demand, the class was in Python.

Problem sets:


Lecture topics:

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